Stitched in Color

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Is there anyone looking over your shoulder?  This post is top secret... my project for the {Urban) Home Goods swap.  Of course, I can't name my fab secret partner, because it could be YOU, so let's just call her Mrs. X.

Mrs. X included a list of sewing ideas for me, her blind swap partner.  She implied that she'd be happy with anything, but I know what she really wants - a sewing machine cover!  How do I know this?  Because that's what I really want!!! Oh, and she did include it on her list and in her inspiration mosaic...

Mrs. X has a style that's light, upbeat and eclectic.  Fortunately, I had on hand these lovelies that I think we'll suit her very well:

Secret project for {Urban} Home Goods Swap

At first I thought I might make a sewing machine cover like this one, but in the end I decided to mix it up.  I'll do the same cover style, which allows for a margin of error in the fit, but a different patchwork pattern.  What do you think of this?

Work in Progress

Completely fabulous, right!?!  It's a quilt made by Rita of Red Pepper Quilts.  If you don't know and love her already, I dare you to click.  Her work is so precise!  She also has a light and upbeat style, so I thought of Red Pepper Quilts when I imagined what Mrs. X would like.  This Hour Glass quilt has been one of my Flickr favorites for a while now.  What a perfect opportunity to give it a go.  And, quite happily, on a small scale.  I'll be using Rita's  Hour Glass Block Tutorial.  Wish me luck!